Hi! I'm Pastor Jason Anderson, and I'm Taking A Minute.
Sound familiar? Yes, I'm the Taking A Minute guy. Over the course of five years, I recorded over 600 episodes of Taking A Minute, a minute long message full of hope, grace, and love. These episodes aired on radio stations across the country, including Air1.
Every single episode of Taking A Minute is available for download for free. Air it on your radio station, listen in your home, play it for your kids - whatever suits you best. Thank you for Taking A Minute with me. If you'd like to air Taking A Minute on your radio station, please fill out this form. |
Note that the Taking A Minute archive is split into three zip files. Download all three to access the entire archive of Taking A Minute episodes. If you'd like to air Taking A Minute on your radio station, please fill out this form.